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2024 Distribution of Property Tax by Assessment

2025 Tax Rates Tax Distribution for 2025
400-Council .0545 % ----
401-Administration 1.0255 % ----
409-Building .1458 % ----
410-Police 4.4366 % ----
411-Fire Department .5021 % ----
413-Public Safety .2986 % ----
427-Solid Waste/Sanitation 1.4961 % ----
430-Public Works 1.5482 % ----
433-Sign Paint, & Supplies .0170 % ----
434-Street Lights .2714 % ----
436-Stormwater & Drains .2272 % ----
438-Street Construction .5251 % ----
451- Parks & Recreation .1336 % ----
456 - Library millage (0.33) .1408 % ----
465 -Waterfront Fund .3176 % ----
471-Debt Principal 1.2810 % ----
472-Debt Interest .2216 % ----
482-ER Pd Benefit/Withholdings .7145 % ----
486-Insurance .1618 % ----
489-Unclassified Expense .0012 % ----
491-Prior Year Refunds .0122 % ----
492-Transfer .1064 % ----
495-Contingency .1156 % ----
OPP Fee $0.00
Your Total Taxes for 2025
Savvy Citizen
Savvy Citizen