How do I find information on Storm Water Management?
For information, click here.
How do I find information on Watershed and Rain Barrels?
Click on the following links:
Download the following pdf documents:
How do I find Borough Ordinances?
How do I close or settle on a purchase or refinance In Munhall?
What we require:
Municipal No Lien Letter, Cost, $30.00
Occupancy Permit, Cost, $75.00 ($125.00 if Commercial Property)
For purchases, please be sure to send your request in a timely manner, allowing time for our Code Enforcement Department to perform any field inspections of the property, as may be required, in order to grant the Occupancy Permit and release the No Lien Letter.
Submit your letter or form indicating that you want a lien letter and occupancy permit.
Include all of your business contact information (name, address, phone, fax, email).
List the following: Seller Owner Name; Property Address; Property ID (Lot & Block); Buyer Name; Buyer Mailing Address (if not owner occupied); Closing Date
412-464-7310 x 105.
What we require:
Municipal No Lien Letter, Cost, $30.00
For both a purchase and refinance, checks should be made payable to the Borough of Munhall.
Send your request and payment to:
Borough of Munhall
1 Raymond Bodnar Way
Munhall PA 15120
Dye test certifications are required as a condition of sale. The separation of storm water from the sanitary system is mandated by State law. Dye testing and/or certifications are handled by the Munhall Municipal Sanitary Sewer Authority. Please note… The dye test certification function is no longer handled by the Borough of Munhall.
If you require a certification of current real estate taxes paid, please send a request and a check for $30.00 made payable to Munhall Borough Tax Collector to:
Munhall Borough Tax Collector
1 Raymond Bodnar Way
Munhall PA 15120
Please contact:
Legal Tax Service
714 Lebanon Road
West Mifflin PA 15122412-464-9555 How do I find out more about Commercial Garbage Services or Sign Up?
For information about Commercial Garbage Services, click here.
How do I request records From the Borough? / Right To Know Law?
For information about how to request records, click here.
How Do I find out the Borough Office Hours and when meetings are held?
Borough Office Hours
The Borough Office is open from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Borough Legal Holidays
The Borough of Munhall recognizes the following holidays: New Years Day, Dr. Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Juneteenth, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Day After Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.
Regular Council Meetings
Munhall Borough holds Regular Council Meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. The meeting is held in Council Chambers, located on the 1st floor of the Munhall Borough Building.
Council Business Meeting Workshops
Munhall Borough holds Council Business Meeting Workshops on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM. The meeting is held in Council Chambers, located on the 1st floor of the Munhall Borough Building.
Planning Commission Meetings
The Munhall Borough Planning Commission meets as needed on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Community Room, located on the 2nd floor of the Munhall Borough Building.
Zoning Hearing Board Meetings412-464-7310 or use our online contact form.
To access the Munhall Borough Budget, click here.
How do I find out about shopping & dining In Munhall?
There are tremendous shopping, dining and entertainment opportunities at the Waterfront.
How do I contact the utility providers in Munhall?
Duquesne Light
Duquesne Light is the electricity provider for Munhall, PA.
Peoples Gas Company
Formerly Equitable Gas, Peoples is the natural gas supplier for Munhall.
Pennsylvania American Water
Pennsylvania American Water is the water supplier for Munhall.
Verizon FiOS
Verizon is the local landline telephone service provider for Munhall as well as the provider of FiOS television, high-speed internet and television services.
Comcast/Xfinity is the cable television, high-speed internet and VOIP telephone service provider for Munhall.
AT&T1-877-385-7578 -AT&T Internet services Munhall and is a TV, phone, and internet provider.
Spanish language page:
How do I start newspaper service?
Below are the providers of home-delivery newspaper providers.
The Valley Mirror
A weekly publication with an emphasis on local news in the Steel Valley
How do I obtain permits and applications in Munhall?
To access the Forms and Permits page, click here.
How do I find out where my children will attend school?
For a list of schools in Munhall Borough, click here.
How do I find out about recycling in Munhall?
Munhall Borough offers Recycling Services. You do not have to sort glass, metal, paper, and plastic. Throw all recyclables in the same container. Use the bins you already have, provided by Munhall Borough. If you need more bins, purchase a new dark-blue recycle can or use a cardboard box if you wish.
How do I contact legal tax service for Trash, Sewer and Wage Tax?
Legal Tax Service
Legal Tax Service is the entity responsible for collecting payment for solid waste (trash) and sewage in Munhall.
The office of Legal Tax Service can be contacted at: 714 Lebanon Road, West Mifflin, PA 15122412-464-9555
412-464-9997 – For delinquent solid waste, sewage, wage (local), or real estate taxes. Legal Tax collects ALL delinquent taxes for Munhall Borough.
For Certification Cost is $30.00
Jordan Tax Service
Jordan Tax Service is the entity responsible for collecting current wage (local) taxes. They can be contacted at:
102 Rahway Road, McMurray, PA 15317724-731-2300